Rocky River Rental Kayak Pack

These kayaks were designed by Olympic kayaker and design guru Bob Mcdonough to be fun boats for everyone. Great for paddling in lakes, oceans, rivers, bays and just about anywhere else water is found. Also, great for fishing with the ability to operate in 1ft of water. The kayaks feature a full length keel for straight tracking to make it easier to stay on course for longer paddling and also provide stability. Polyethylene roto-molded for strength and security. The width of the kayaks makes for the most stable boats on the market, allowing kayakers of all experience levels to enjoy these Kayaks. Carrying handles on both ends and molded handle in the middle on one of the sides allows the single models to be carried by one person. Featuring full deck rigging, dry storage with 8” deck plate in the hull, and a large storage area in back equipped with bungee cords to secure cooler, tent, sleeping bag and anything you may want to take on your trip.
Rockey River Rental Kayak Pack Features: